Monday, 24 December 2012

The Matrix Explanation


The matrix has 2 names. It’s known as The Matrix as well as the PC Panel system.
I will refer to it as the matrix from here onwards. The matrix is an additional source of income and can be very lucrative.
There are 3 ways to enter the matrix and start earning. We have already talked about entering the matrix via your expired ad-package positions (every 4th one) in the previous lesson. That’s one way.
The second way to enter the matrix is to simply buy a position within the matrix in the same way you would buy a ad-package position.
The third way to enter the matrix is with a profitshift. I’ve dedicated a special page to explaining the profitshift feature so we wont discuss that on this page.
For now, you should know that the first 2 methods of entering the matrix are the most common. Whichever way you get in, you’re in and you can start earning.
If you entered the matrix via an expired ad-package position, then you’ve just got yourself a position within the matrix for free. But if you enter the matrix by buying a position, then this position will cost you $20.
When you acquire a position within the matrix, you have just bought yourself a product. Again, just as with a ad-package, the product is advertising credits.
Use the product as you wish, to advertise your own website (if you have one).
Ok, so how can the matrix benefit you?
A position in the matrix is worth $20 (if you bought it) or $0.00 if you got in via an expired ad-package. The aim of the game is to turn that position into $60. Once it becomes $60, the company will pay you your $60 and that position will expire.
So, if you bought 200 positions within the matrix for $20 each (cost $4000), each position will spit out $60 when you have played the game. The total payout would be $60 X 200 = $12,000. This is a total profit of $8000. This applies if you bought all those positions. If you enter for free (via expired ad-packages), then the profit will be much higher.
To understand how the matrix works, you need to memorize the diagram below.
A matrix consists of a total of 6 spots under you.
At the top, there is you and your position. Under you, there are 2 spots which are positioned on the first level and are therefore given the title of Level 1.
On the 2nd level, there are 4 spots, from 3 to 6. You can see that spot 1 is connected with positions 3 and 4 while spot 2 is connected with positions 5 and 6.
To get $60, all 6 spots have to be filled by positions, either with your own or someone elses. Once that happens, the whole matrix is said to have cycled and you become the owner of that matrix and therefore given your $60. After that, your matrix disappears into thin air.
New Term: All 6 spots filled = Cycled
So you could start a matrix by having one of your expired ad-packages come into the matrix or you could buy a position and you will be at the head of 6 empty spots under you.
Now you just have to wait until all 6 spots are filled and then you will be paid. That’s all you have to do to get paid - just wait!
If you do nothing, then each matrix will take about 2 years to fill. If you speed it up, it takes on average 2-3 months for all 6 spots to fill.
For most people, waiting 2-3 months or even 2 years  is no big deal, especially when they own hundreds of positions within the matrix. Each will pay on its own time and you will continue to get money every day due to some of your matrixes cycling every day.
Now you could let that be the end of it and just wait 2 years for each of your matrixes to cycle. But you can also make the matrix cycle faster if you are willing to sacrifice some of your profits.
Here is how it works…
Let’s say you have an empty matrix. All spots on level 1 and level 2 are empty.
You know that there are 2 spots on level 1 – Spots 1 & 2. For these two spots, you are able to buy something called an accelerator. This means, you will get those spots filled quicker. Each accelerator costs $5.
After you have bought accelerators for these two spots, you can upgrade these to turbo or nitro. This will make them fill even faster than with a placement alone. Turbo costs $2.50 and nitro costs $5 each. Turbo speeds up the cycle time but nitro makes it go even faster.
So, to get an accelerator and nitro in spots 1 & 2, the total cost would be $20.
Therefore, you will lose $20 when collecting your $60 profit.
What I have explained here is just a superficial overview. There are many intricacies and other things which can affect your matrix, thereby making you more money.
Once you’ve joined the profit clicking system, I’ll give you a link to the full explanation. You can study the intricate mechanics of the matrix and how it can make you more money.
Now you understand how the ad-package system works and how the Matrix or PC Panel system works.Let’s proceed to talk about the referral part of the program…

                                                                             Click the Link

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